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They say education is power!


As you explore the health and wellbeing topics I love to write about, see how easy it can be to make HUGE changes in your life.

It doesn’t have to be complicated. Your body and mind will thank you for it.

This is the place to get heaps of FREE advice on how to fix the problem you are suffering from.

They say education is power!

As you explore the health and wellbeing topics I love to write about, see how easy it can be to make HUGE changes in your life.

It doesn’t have to be complicated. Your body and mind will thank you for it.

What Does Foam Rolling Actually Do?

Foam rolling is a bit like Marmite.  You either love it or hate it!  There is so much talk about the miracles of foam rolling especially in certain exercise circles but today we are going to give you the honest answer about what it actually does thanks to the rather splendid Roger Kerry...

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The Common Causes of a Fall

Did you know that around one in three adults over the age of 65 will have at least one fall a year.  Half of these again will fall more regularly.  Sadly the natural ageing process means you have an increased risk of falling.  As you know the outcome of a fall can be anything from...

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One Simple Thing To Do For Better Sleep

I,  like most of the population, am never far from my mobile phone or iPad.  Using it as my alarm clock it is in my bedroom so I invariably end up doing some pre-sleep internet surfing, Pintrest pinning or FaceBook checking.  I don’t think I’m alone on this.  Even...

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The Most Important Thing To Do If You Are Busy & Tired

“How are you Vic” I get asked, on a daily basis.  My standard reply,  “You know, pretty busy!”.  I use the word “busy” a lot.  There are definitely many levels of “busy” but as a rule most of us cram our day with so much doing...

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What is a Ring?

Do you ache somewhere in your ribcage or back?  Perhaps between your shoulder blades?  Do you feel restricted when you twist like when reversing the car, swinging your golf club or running? Do you feel limited when taking a big breath or perhaps it feels asymmetrical?  These are...

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The Top 5 Benefits of a Sports Massage

When it comes to looking after your body and how you feel it is so hard to know how best to help yourself. That's why we have put together our top 5 benefits of a sports massage.  So read on to see how it could help you, and find out about our special offer at the end.


1. Reduce...

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How to Prevent Falling When You Are Older

I had the great pleasure of taking my dear Grandad down to Avon Mill at the weekend with my little girl for a cup of tea and piece of cake.   This incredible man was a farmer and worked from the age of 12 to support his family. He has led a super active life and used his body more than...

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How to Get Movement That Feels Amazing

Last week I talked through the process of how we identify your driver(s), the regions of your body causing the problems you are experiencing.  If you missed it click here.  Today I’m going to tell you about how we treat your driver(s) to get you moving in a way you didn’t...

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Discover The Whole Body Approach to Physiotherapy

I’ve been asked on numerous occasions recently, what we are doing when we assess you.  We are well aware that what we do is a little different!  In 2009 I was getting pretty frustrated with the traditional Physio approach not providing a holistic framework in which I could better...

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Confused What Action to Take to Make You Move and Feel Better?

When you are sore, in pain, have movement problems, get stiff and achey there is always someone around to tell you how to help yourself or what they did to magically cure the problem.  Sounds familiar?  With the ever expanding reach of “Dr Google” we can self diagnose until...

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The Biggest Trait Stopping Your Rehab and Training

Hi, my name is Vic and I’m a Perfectionist.

There,  I have said it.  Phew.  I’m getting my dirty little secret out there and starting to feel better already.

I,  like so many of you struggle on a daily basis with my perfectionist tendencies and let me tell you...

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The Top 6 Reasons You Donā€™t Do Your Exercises and Training

Lets face it, we are all busy people with lots on our “To Do” list every day.  So when your Physio gives you training / exercises to do at home between appointments it adds something else to your list.  This vital training is the stuff that will get you pain free, moving...

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