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"I feel 30 again!" A VIGOUR Success Story

May 31, 2023
woman with motorbike helmet

Has your fitness and strength begun slipping away, but you feel nervous about joining fitness classes? Have you got aches and pains that get in the way of keeping active and fit?

Lisa was in the same boat, until she took the plunge and joined the VIGOUR HealthClub. Read on to learn how she went from fearing exercise and watching her fitness decline, to feeling 30 again and doing things she hadn't for years!


"Instead of starting my story about the struggles I have had with the mechanics of my body, I would like to shout out loud and jump up and down on the spot about how Vigour classes have transformed my body and mind.

To start any fitness class for me was a very big thing, both physically and mentally. I had taught myself that the moment I feel slight pain in my lower back, I should stop what I am doing and rest, not bending just in case it caused more pain. This manifested itself to me doing limited fitness and believing that long coastal walks and all hobbies I once enjoyed were lost. I felt sad and lack-lustre with what life had to offer going forward.

After a long and honest chat with Wendy a physiotherapist at the HealthHub about my fears and anxiety to start a fitness class. I took the plunge and started the Fit 1 class, which is part of the selection of Vigour classes. I arrived feeling nervous and left feeling fantastic, enlightened and most of all safe. The class started with a positive mind set of go and try these exercises at your own pace with the constant guidance from Abbie & Naomi and the following week build on your fitness if you feel you can.

Abbie and Naomi who run the classes are just amazing mentors, dedicated professionals in both their knowledge and support. They structure your fitness programme to your individual needs. Since my first Vigour class, I am now doing 3 x different classes a week and loving every minute of it. My self-taught fear that exercise might cause more lower back pain, has diminished. Vigour classes have given me more than just exercising, it is the full package of body and mind. In just a few months I am now going on coastal walks, riding pillion on my husband’s motorcycle which is very exciting and I feel 30 again.

The vigour programme has given me the tools to be in control of body health and how to reset it when muscles are sore. My cloud of worry which has been following for numerous years, has finally lifted thanks to Victoria and all her team at the health hub. I am truly grateful.

Thank you for reading my story, Take the plunge, Give Vigour A Go. The classes are uplifting and fun, with the added bonus of meeting new people with similar goals."

- Lisa


Thank you Lisa for sharing your inspiring story. The team are all so proud of how far you have come.


If like Lisa you would like to begin your journey to better fitness, health and wellbeing, by having a fitness class plan personalised to you give us a call on 01548 853 355 or contact [email protected]. You can find out more about how our VIGOUR classes can help you by clicking here.


With love


and the HealthHub Team



P.S. Don't forget that you can read more about our VIGOUR HealthClub by going here now

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