Jo Ridgway

"At the root of Chinese Medicine is the idea that we already possess everything needed to be well. Acupuncture needles prompt the body to do what it already knows, gently nudging it in the right direction


Jo’s love of Chinese medicine was sparked at a young age by her uncle, who is an acupuncturist and would describe himself as a ‘detective’, piecing together a patient’s story to get to the core of their problems. The idea of needing to understand the root of someone’s illness or unhappiness rather than just treating their symptoms made complete sense to Jo. 

Jo’s passion is combining her years of experience as an Acupuncturist with her work as a Coach to create change on a deeper level. She works with her clients to produce shifts that lead to real change, and not just make them feel better for a while.

Acupuncture treatment moves and rebalances your energy (or qi) to a smooth, unimpeded flow, leaving you feeling grounded, energised and reconnected. 

Jo loves working with many different types of people and health conditions and has developed a number of specialist areas over her years of practice:

Fertility: treatments supporting women who are trying to conceive naturally or going through IVF.

Pregnancy: acupuncture is safe during pregnancy and offers drug-free relief from many problems, including morning sickness.

Perimenopause and menopause: treatments to support the physical and emotional symptoms experienced by women during this transition. 

Stress, anxiety and sleep: whether it's low mood, stress headaches, insomnia or other manifestations that make day to day life difficult, acupuncture can help.


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Jo's Experience:

Prior to The HealthHub, Jo worked in London for ten years in two busy clinics, treating all aspects of women’s health - from conception and pregnancy support, working alongside fertility clinics, providing post-natal care, helping manage the daily stressors of family life, right through to perimenopausal and menopause treatments. Her practice grew alongside her own family, and after her third child was born, it felt like the right time to leave the city and follow her dream of raising ‘free-range’ children in the Devon countryside.